Sunday, January 28, 2007

First day of training

Fuck me. I repeat. Fuck me. That was about the most intense thing I've ever done. My chest was like a blast furnace half way through my 3 1/2k run. Back to the gym for three rounds of skipping. Then one of the trainers put my wraps on and I got into the ring for 3 rounds of hardcore pads. It actually wasn't that hardcore, but in the state I was in anything except crying would have been hardcore. Went as hard as I could for as long as I could. In fairness to the trainer he gave me more than the the usual 60 seconds between rounds to recover, to give me the most benefit but no matter how much time he gave me it wasn't enough. Still I was first there in the morning and last to leave so I didn't make a total cunt of myself. Finished the pads, went on to the bag for five or six rounds. After that got bag in the ring for some heavy clinch work. The quality of the Thai's wrestling skills are out of this world. Had a 12 year old take me to school for several rounds. Finished off with some weights, stretching and so on. Limped home. Lay down. Made a deal with my stomach to keep my breakfast down long enough to absorb and I would eat earlier tomorrow.

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