Tuesday, June 12, 2007

This would never have happened under the Nazis

Hello everybody, I've missed you.
Right then, serious news first, I've taken a fight for the second of July. I was actually a bit apprehensive about taking another fight, but as soon as I told the promoter, I was quite calm. So same as before I guess. Train like buggery then go at the poor bugger like a bear possessed. And now for more of my inane prattle.
First up, the homos. What is the deal with them anyway? I thought they couldn't reproduce. It seems to me that there's more now than ever. Not that I'm complaining, just an observation. I also applaud their ability to score pills year round, without fail, while the rest of us have to put up with the usual droughts. Bravo lads.
Now, to anyone who was out last Wednesday in Chiang Mai, I would like to apologise on behalf of the two singing dickheads on the motorbike. Although, if you weren't one of those dickheads, I guarantee you didn't have the most fun Wednesday night.
While I'm in the neighbourhood, I'd like to raise a point about drink driving. I always thought that you'd have to be pretty stupid to drink and drive as there were no possible benefits to be gained. But I had no idea it could be so much fun. I did so many stupid, drunk moped things, that after the usual, where am I?, what did I do?, who's blood is this? questions I had one of those Alfred Hitchcock moments, where the background is all zoomed out but the subject stays in the middle and I realised I cheated death at least a dozen times. In your face death.
I can't believe I forgot to mention my two mates, Cormac and Gene, from back home who were in the area for the last two weeks. We hung out a bit but unfortunately I was training quite hard so didn't get to see as much of them as I wanted.
My last bit for the week is for the guys only, or freaky women. I'm thinking of bringing back the Charlie Chaplin tache. Though given my frequent and obscene racism I'll need some help or people will use it's other name when talking about me. It's other name of course being a Hitler. Are ye with me lads?
Anyway, that's me. Enjoy youser selfs.


Dave White said...

Hey Dave, the Cormac in question wouldn't be Cormac McCarthy would it? If so, I need to get some contact details from you.
-- Dave White

Anonymous said...

Yes I can see you with the Charlie chaplain moustache mein

"The Great Dicktater".



Dave Gordon said...

This isn't dave white, max's mate by any chance? If so e mail me at my addy on this blog and i'll send you this e mail.

Unknown said...

You. Moustache. No.

Just, no.

Seany, I think its "The Great Dicktaker".. fnarrrrrrrrrrr


ampinstein said...

Handlebar moustache, ala village people. Much scarier than Chaplin.