Friday, February 2, 2007

Pest Control

Like those guys in American mental asylums I spend most of the the time walking around thinking there are bugs all over me. Except in my case there really are. And also uniquely in my case the CIA really are trying to steal my thoughts.
Anyway, spent a few bucks on a deadly mosquito net, which I have since given up on. Not there's anything wrong with it, it's just sleeping in such a confined space is impossible. So to combat the mossie problem we have got a few geckos in the house. There are hundreds of them living wild here so there easy enough to catch. The more geckos you have the less mosquitoes. Unfortunately, they breed rapidly, so in a few weeks we are going to get a couple of cats in, to eat the geckos. The cats have a similar breeding problem so in a few weeks we'll be getting a dog or two to finish the cats off. "How the fuck do you get rid of the dogs?," I hear you ask. Well, my foul mouthed friend, the answer is simple: we get a hungry Vietnamese and a bottle of barbecue sauce. The circle of life turns once more.


Unknown said...


Loving the blog, absolutely cracking stuff. Glad you are enjoying it, keep it coming!

I'm going to be over there in Thailand at the end of the month, in Bangkok. Drop me a mail to tom .at. and lets see if we can't hook up.

Not much else has changed here, I'm still saving Seanie's ass all the time! Missing you already :p


ampinstein said...


Sean let this cat out of the bag and I'm glad that semitic wow addict did.
Marvelously funny blog and fascinating too.

I am not getting BC, because I enjoy having a life.

Fuck you, hope you die,


Unknown said...

Give me call when you roast the dogs. MMMMMM dog crackling

Phil Smith said...

You could get some american troops in to finish off the vietnamise guy, then get some islamic heads in from Iraq to finish them off.

TMA said...

Man you missed a critter, when the Geckos get big enough, they give off a scent and the rats come a feasting, good job you have those Cats lined up.

Only recently introduced to your blog and I'm really enjoying it....make sure we get that Fight video shared :-)