Sunday, February 4, 2007

Second Week of Training

Well, week two under my rapidly shrinking belt. Training is going better than I thought. Running is going very well. Did 55k this week. The left side of my body, especially my legs, is quite sore though. I think it's because of all the slopes on the road (no pun intended). Anyway, going to try running the opposite direction next week and see if that takes any pressure off. Went to the chemist and spent a months rent on anti- inflammatorys, muscle relaxants, and various other things to relive pain. Better living through chemistry :) A months rent sounds like a lot but it's actually only 45 bucks.
Had the head guy take me under his wing at the start of the week. Training with him is hard, for a lot of reasons. He expects a lot from his fighters, he knows a lot of wierd and difficult exercises but mainly it is because he is a proper fucking sadist. And his English is not good enough to understand things like tendonitis and enflamed ligaments. He tests the limits of human endurance hard enough to make Joseph Mengele blush. Yes, my suffering this week was easily the equal of the holocaust. I did so many footwork drills on Wednesday, that Thursday and Friday, I needed help to go up and down stairs. Did some grappling with him too and was amazed that at 57 he still had the measure of me, a fat, sweating, smoker with rickets and possible arthritis. Seriously though, he has mad skillz. He rarely grapples these days but he schools everyone when he does.
I was feeling ok after Saturday morning class but decided to take the evening off anyway. No point in being the fittest guy in the doctor's office. Also, Herr Oberst promised me a hard session for later.
Was invited to join the trainers for their daily barbecue after training and thought 'lucky me'. So i sat down and as I went to swat a couple of flies of the plate of pork, about ten of the fat little buggers got up and buzzed off. I was about to duck out when my pad man said 'eat, eat', so I dug a piece out from as far under the pile as I could. I mean, what was I meant to say,"actually I'm rich enough to afford restaurants and air conditioning?" So I ate it, and another piece, then made my excuses and left. On the way home, I thought 'ewww, but then again, how bad can it be?' The very next thing I saw, and I swear this is the truth, was a pile of shit with about ten flies on it. Hopefully not the same ten. So tomorrow, I'll be explaining the whole wealth versus poverty argument to them as tactfully as possible.
So that's it for another week. Later squares.

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